Water Treatment Blog

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Your Guide to Better RO Water Treatment Plant

Water treatment systems are used by cities to disinfect and process water for drinking and bathing. These systems are facing challenges as an ever growing number of unwanted chemicals and contaminants threaten to overwhelm an aging utility infrastructure.

RO water treatment systems are now available that can remove unwanted metals, chemical and potential disease carrying cysts from your drinking water.

Read this article to find out what to look for in a RO water treatment system that will insure the highest quality water for your family!


The best RO water treatment systems use specific technologies to combat the contaminants that threaten the quality of your water. Here are the top three technologies and how they work together to improve water quality.

  1.  Removal of contaminants by chemical or physical bonding
    One of the most effective ways to remove contaminants from drinking water is to make the unwanted substance bond or attach itself to the filter components. Adsorption takes advantage of this approach, and is very effective in removing organic chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides. Ion exchange is effective in the removal of metals from water. Using both techniques adds to the effectiveness of the water filter.

  2. Use of sub-micron filter elements
    Water borne cysts can be the carriers of diseases such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium. These cysts are extremely small, and can best be removed from water through the use of sub-micron filter elements. This small pore size will also filter sediments as well as chlorine from your water supply.

  3. Use of double stages for filtration
    When looking at water filter technology, the best results often come from combining different approaches which address removal of unwanted contamination. A multi-stage filtration approach brings maximum effectiveness.

One more step that you can take to insure the quality of your water treatment system is for the performance claims to be independently tested. One of the strictest testing programs for water filters is run by the California Department of Public Health Services. Their certification process ensures that the claims for contaminant reduction for water filters have been fully verified.

RO water treatment systems contain all of the features mentioned above, and provide great quality water at a very reasonable cost which is made by Oceanides Global - a well-known name for RO Plant Manufacturer in India. Visit their site here to find out more about these systems!